Do you wish you could save money? There aren’t many people who don’t! It’s always nice to have a little extra in the bank account to plan for that vacation you’ve always wanted or to spend a little more somewhere else. If you want to spend money more where you want to and less where you have to because of bills, there are areas of your home you could examine. Sure fixing up the areas might cost some money up front, but they’ll save you in the long run. Here are five areas of your Ballwin, MO home that might be costing you too much.
The Attic
The attic is an often forgotten part of any home. If you use it at all, you just shove things into it for storage, never to be seen again. Many homes don’t have enough insulation in their attic. The codes have changed over the years and a lot of your energy loss could be due to that attic space. If you add more insulation to your attic, you could end up saving as much as $1,000 on energy bills every year.
Your Doors
Entry doors may also not be something you think about that often, though you use them a lot more than you do the attic—daily even! If your entry door doesn’t fit snugly into its frame, you may be spending a lot more money on heating in the Ballwin, MO winter than you should. Getting a new door seals things around the area and prevents major energy loss.
Light Bulbs
You have your family trained well and they turn off the lights any time they leave a room. That’s great, but whenever you do use those light bulbs, they can waste a lot of energy and money. Switch over to LED bulbs (which cost more upfront, but save energy and money later). You can save 80% on your electrical power usage and the bulbs last much longer.
The Chimney
There’s nothing better than a warm fire on a cold Ballwin, MO night. Your furnace doesn’t have to run as hard to keep your home warm when you have the fire going either. But when the fireplace isn’t in use, you might want to plug the chimney, especially in the summer months. You can lose a lot of energy through that area and never even know it.
Your Windows
The windows in your home are responsible for leaking more energy and air than any other area. If they are old and worn out, their under performance costs you a bundle of money. Window replacement is no small task, but you won’t regret the investment you make when you see the savings you will receive in the future. Plus new windows look downright gorgeous!
If you’re ready to stop spending too much on your energy bills, you can’t go wrong with Ballwin, MO new windows. Contact Masonry & Glass Systems at (314) 535-6515 and we’ll honestly tell you whether or not new windows are a good idea for your home. You can also stop and see what windows we offer at 1503 S Kingshighway Blvd St Louis, MO 63110.