This glass block windows project was particularly challenging because it was located on the second floor with the exterior access being at a slate roof peak. The answer was to pre-assemble the glass block panel in one piece and set it from the inside. This eliminated most of the work on the exterior. After the the glass block bathroom window was secured the Masonry & Glass Systems’ installers wrapped the exterior wood in black aluminum coil and caulked with black silicone to weathertite the window. The resulting pictures show the beautiful result.

Window before glass block installation

Interior view after installation

Exterior view after glass block window installation
Glass Block Windows in St. Louis
Masonry & Glass Systems can work with a homeowner or a bathroom remodeling contractor to coordinate a glass block bathroom window installation within an entire bathroom renovation. The glass block are energy efficient and the customer still has the option for fresh air when required. Our Super Service Award winning window installation crews always seek to leave a job looking like this.
If you or someone you know is looking to replace their old bathroom windows with a new energy efficient glass blocks, please contact Masonry & Glass Systems in St. Louis. They specialize in replacement windows, sliding windows, casement windows, garden windows, bay windows, storm windows and historic windows. They are proud to be a glass block dealer for Mulia Glass Blocks. For more information, please check out their website at email them at: [email protected] or call 314-535-6515