This review was done to test the performance of 3 different cement boards for ceramic tile installation: The Wedi Backer board, Hardibacker® and Wonderboard®. These boards are used as a floor underlayment when installing ceramic tile floors, glass block showers, shower floor tiles, or as a sub floor for bathrooms.
We tested 3 different masonry boards manufactures:
The test picture included in this blog used polyurethane sealant for all 3 products and was allowed to sit undisturbed for 24hrs. Think about this, most showers are used at least once per day and some twice a day or more. If your shower is used for 15 minutes a day by the 96th shower you will have used it for 24 hours total. Once the backerboard behind your tile gets wet it will stay wet and mold and mildew can begin. Use Wedi shower components and stop worrying.
Masonry & Glass Systems can ship Wedi backer board material almost anywhere. We ship custom Wedi Shower Systems every week!
We ship to all 48 lower states!
Call us Mon-Fri at 314-535-6515
click the link below to receive a free quote for your Wedi Shower System
There are many types of backerboards for shower walls which offer varying degrees of moisture protection. Some will absorb and pass water extensively. Many are treated on one face or both with a water resistant coating, others are mixed with absorption slowing agents which help slow the saturation of water process. There are no waterproof cement or fiber core boards on the market that Masonry & Glass Systems is aware of. Most are water resistant but all will wick and retain water at the core. Additional waterproofing membranes are commonly specified by backerboard manufacturers but this can be an expensive labor intensive multi step process.
The answer to all of these problems is Wedi Backerboard.
It offers:
Extremely fast installation
100% Waterproof, No exceptions
No organic material to facilitate mold
Will NOT Wick water
Easy to cut with common tools like a utility knife without dust
The Wedi total shower solution includes many sizes of bases that can be cut to match any size shower and include the drain assembly. Soap niches and benches are a snap to install. Wedi is the answer to leaking, moldy showers. Do check the product information for more details,
This review was done to test the performance of 3 different cement boards for ceramic tile installation: The Wedi Backerboard, Hardibacker® and Wonderboard®. These boards are used as a floor underlayment when installing ceramic tiles, glass block showers, shower floor tiles, or as a sub floor for bathrooms. If you or someone you know is looking for the Wedi Backer Board to complete a glass block shower project, a doorless shower or any other bathroom project where water and moisture is a risk, please contact Masonry & Glass Systems in St. Louis. For more information, please check out their website at email them at: or call 314-535-6515